Наборы карт способностей для Red Dead Online

Horse Tank Set Up For Harder CPU Gunfights

Horse Tank Set Up For Harder CPU Gunfights

this set up will be for when you do stuff like legendary bounties and roadblock moonshine free roam activities since those CPU dish out alot of damage and can down your horse quickly. what this set up does is give your horse alot of health each time you get shot and when you use deadeye you yourself gain alot of haelth so in a nutshell you and your horse get health just from you shooting at CPU and you getting damaged by CPU at the same time and also have gun slingers choice added just in case you get in a sticky situation you can pull out your 2 side arms and spam with alot of accuracy to take out alot of enemies but without it you will risk losing major accuracy but if you wanna replace it with something that makes your horse stronger use friends for life ability card if you dont like to use sidearms [keep in mind the breed of your horse will play a factor in how much damage they can take and if you have a horse with weaker health they wont stand a chance in a gun fight so make sure its a mutli class or high end horse to go into gunfights or they will be injured in gunfights quicker]

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